Apple Vision Pro is a Time Machine

One year of my life in spatial video

Hey everyone, it’s Cosmo. I recorded a year of my life in spatial video and made a supercut you can watch in your Vision Pro. I may have been the first person to do this, as far as I’m aware.

There’s something really special about getting to relive my life like this, and I wish I had recorded more. Watching my life in spatial video makes me appreciate all of the moments, from the mundane to the incredible, in a new way.

Seeing my life literally flash before my eyes – holding newborn babies, playing with dogs, holiday vacations, family birthdays – illuminates how blessed I am. If you have a Vision Pro, I hope you watch it and let me know what you think!

Life is beautiful.

Magic Beans of the Week

Thank you for reading. Till next week! 😊
